Thursday, January 30, 2014

Welcome back, Christian!

A week or so ago Silver Screen Modiste, the website of my dear blogger friend Christian Esquevin, was hi-jacked. When he discovered that he was no longer in possession of his site's domain name, Christian also discovered it would now cost him an arm and a leg to try to get it back. Instead, he has reconstituted it as Silver Screen Modes and, as of today, Christian is back online with more fascinating insights on classic film costume design.

Click here to visit Silver Screen Modes and enjoy Christian's assessment of the costume design nominees for the 2013 Academy Awards.

Zhang Ziyi in Wong Kar Wai's The Grandmaster, Oscar-nominated for Best Costume Design


  1. Thanks for the tip, Eve! I had no idea. Damn bad luck for Christian. He runs a wonderful blog and I've followed him for years with the greatest admiration.

    1. I feel the same way about Christian's blog, Aubyn, and am very happy he was able to come back online so quickly.

  2. LE,
    A very sweet announcement for Christian. It didn't feel the same having him offline and without his wonderful blog.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Page, and you're right, the classic film blogosphere was off-kilter without him.

  3. Thanks for spreading the good word.

  4. So glad to hear it, although I am still very annoyed that his site was hi-jacked. Honestly! If only these people could put their talents to good instead of evil.

  5. I'm a little late with this, but I couldn't agree more. Christian's blog is unique and beautifully done. I'm so happy he's back and raring to go!

  6. Lady Eve - thanks for all your support. One never knows when the floor will give way or the road turns to quick sand. Anyway, I have a new blog and I hope you will be patient as I recycle some old posts in order to re-stock my archives. Thanks again.
