This ongoing series focuses on popular haunts frequented by the famed denizens of Old Hollywood. Featured are the night clubs, restaurants, out of town retreats, sporting venues and other hotspots where the stars went to see and be seen - or, in one case, volunteer - during Hollywood's heyday. Both history and legends surrounding these once world famous stomping grounds are covered in depth. Plus, an occasional food or drink recipe is included. Click on titles for links to each post, use back arrow to return to this page.
Part II Charlie Farrell's Racquet Club in Palm Springs How Charles Farrell and Ralph Bellamy, two actors in the desert in need of a tennis court, ended up creating an exclusive out-of-town haven for the stars.
Part III The Hollywood Canteen, 1942 - 1945 The story of the wartime social club for servicemen and women where food, drink and entertainment were served up by volunteer movie stars, comedians, singers and musicians and others in the film industry.
The "Old Hollywood Haunts" series has been voted the Best Film Series of 2021 by the members of the Classic Movie Blog Association. Thanks to the group for the honor!
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