Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hitchcock Week...and the San Francisco Symphony

Just over two years ago I attended – and was astounded by - “Casablanca with the San Francisco Symphony” at Davies Hall. Conductor Michael Francis led the orchestra in accompanying the beyond-iconic classic with Max Steiner’s unforgettable score. What an experience it was (click here for my reaction)...

Now the symphony is about to present a Halloween season series, Hitchcock Week, spotlighting several of the Master’s films with live musical accompaniment. The pièce de résistance will be “World Premiere: Vertigo” on Friday, November 1, with the symphony accompanying Hitchcock’s great masterpiece with Bernard Herrmann’s brilliant, haunting and, some would say, peerless score.

Bay Area film lovers, get thee to a box office, online or otherwise! Hitchcock Week is about to begin… 

Wednesday, October 30, 8pm, Psycho, with Joshua Gersen conducting Herrmann’s legendary score 

Thursday, October 31, 7:30pm, The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog, live organ music will accompany Hitchcock’s early silent thriller on Halloween night
Kim Novak and James Stewart, Vertigo (1958)
Friday, November 1, 8pm, Vertigo - Vertigo accompanied by the San Francisco Symphony…what more is there to say? 

Saturday, November 2, 8pm, Hitchcock! Greatest Hits, clips from several Hitchcock classics – To Catch a Thief, Strangers on a Train, Dial M for Murder, North by Northwest – to be hosted by Eva Marie Saint, with Joshua Gersen conducting

Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint in North by Northwest (1959)

The symphony has scheduled more classic films with orchestral accompaniment through the rest of its 2013/2014 season: 

Friday and Saturday, December 6 and 7, 7:30pm, Singin’ in the Rain 

Saturday, February 15, 8pm, A Night at the Oscars will feature celebrated scenes and scores from memorable films 

Saturday, April 12, 8pm, Charlie Chaplin's City Lights 

Saturday, May 31 at 8pm and Sunday, June 1 at 4pm, Fantasia 

A “Compose Your Own Film Series” package offers savings to those who buy tickets to three or more of these film concerts: Click here to go to the symphony website or call (415)864-6000.

Fantasia (1940)


  1. Wow - what a line up! I can only imagine how amazing the screening of Vertigo will be. I was lucky to hear City Lights accompanied by a full orchestra and it was an unforgettable experience. I hope you get to see all of them!

    1. I think Vertigo must've sold out instantaneously, but I'm literally begging the SFS to let me know if there are any spare tickets.

  2. I'm speechless, a position in which I don't often find myself -- wow! If I could afford the fare, I would fly out for every single one! I hope your begging powers work for you with Vertigo ... but all of them will be fantastic, I'm sure!

    1. Becky, I've just found out that thanks to the generosity of the SF Symphony I'll be seeing and listening to Vertigo with full orchestra on Friday night, November 1! I am beyond thrilled and grateful...

      It's a wonderful lineup, isn't it? As the film series unfolds I'll be posting more info on my sidebar - the symphony has also kindly provided me with more details on each concert.

  3. Hooray for Vertigo and you! I'll be looking forward to the details!

  4. This sounds beyond fantastic!! Wish I could be there. I couldn't pick a favorite but the Chaplin CITY LIGHTS actually made me drool a little - I'm not ashamed to admit it.

    My goodness!


  5. Eve, I certainly hope you are able to attend a performance - the music is wonderful, of course, and can stand alone ("Vertigo" is sublime). Your first hand report would be much appreciated.

  6. Eve, This sounds like a fantastic event! Glad you were able to get in for the VERTIGO concert. Bernard Hermann was a great composer. So many wonderful and effective scores. Enjoy!

  7. A very big "thank you" to Amelia of the SF Symphony for press tickets to this sublime event.

  8. Eve, I'm glad you were able to attend! I was there, too, in the sold out crowd. It was great to see Vertigo on the big screen and to hear the Symphony play Herrmann’s wonderful score. As you know, it was a world premiere – the Vertigo score had never been played live, in its entirety, for a public audience.

    By the way, for Bay Area residents or visitors: San Francisco City Guides offers free walking tours of Alfred Hitchcock's San Francisco. Details are at
