
Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Blog Full of Gifts From Me to You...

The Lady Eve offers a blogful of holiday cheer this year. Here's what's under the tree...

~ Two Icons Singing: Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra sing "White Christmas" on a December 1957 TV special...

~ A Festive Romp From the 1970s: Kenneth More and Albert Finney sing "I Like Life" in the 1970 film Scrooge...

~ From Disney's Fantasia (1940): "The Nutcracker Suite"...

~ Judy, Judy, Judy...No holiday would be complete without hearing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" at least once. Here's Judy singing to her children, Lorna and Joey, in 1963 on the 'Christmas Show' for her CBS TV program...

~ A Holiday Movie: The Mitchell Leisen directed, Preston Sturges penned, yuletide classic Remember the Night (1940), starring Fred MacMurray and Barbara Stanwyck - all one hour and 33 minutes of it...

Happy Holidays!


  1. It is just what I wanted, thank you.. :)

    Merry Christmas!!

  2. What an incredible gift to your readers! I love every video you posted! Particularly that of Fantasia. I never thought of that as one for the "holidays," but it is so fittingly perfect for the season! :D Happy Holidays Eve!

  3. Thank you for sharing Remember the Night! Willard Robertson's manic, Hibernian-accented courtroom monologue was genius!

  4. How wonderful! And a very Merry Christmas to you!

  5. Thank you all! It was lots of fun selecting these blog gifts and I'm happy you like what I picked. Enjoy!

  6. I feels so warm and cozy - now where did I put that eggnog? Thanks for a lovely holiday post. Have a glorious one yourself and thanks for all of the wonderful posts!

  7. A great selection Eve. I love the 1970 musical version of SCROOGE particularly the scene where the they sing THANK YOU VERY MUCH and Scrooge joins in the merriment, not realizing they are dancing on his coffin and celebrating his passing.

    Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!!


  8. Eve, let's hope this comment will take - most times my computer freezes up ... fabulous bunch of Christmas songs and clips. I love 'em all, but I have to say that Fantasia's Nutcracker is the best. Merry Christmas, lady, and thanks for the fun!

  9. Thank you, Eve. What a wonderful present. I'd never heard of the Fred MacMurry/Barbara Stanwyck movie before. Where have I been?

    I'll be watching for sure.

    Love the "I Like Life" number from SCROOGE even if it's not my favorite film.

    This is like a Christmas Pinata, Eve. Lots of neat goodies!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  10. Thanks Lady Eve for this wonderful and diverse assortment of holiday scenes - sort of like different ornaments on a tree. TCM just aired "A Holiday Affair" a little RKO jewel with Robert Mitchum and Janet Leigh, I was feeling a little hum-bugey myself but this was a great pick-me up, along with your post. Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

  11. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

  12. Happy Christmas! I love that clip of Bing and Frank singing together - magical.

  13. Eve, great choices for all your holiday picks! I'll admit that I found some of the songs in SCROOGE a bit simplistic, but I got an evil grin from "Thank You Very Much" when I realized the revelers were dancing on Scrooge's grave! :-) And who can resist FANTASIA (also one of our daughter's favorites)? I hope you and yours have been having a Merry Christmas to you; all of us here at Team Bartilucci H.Q. wish you the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of New Years!
